Manufacturer Agents and Representatives

Manufacturers Agents Representatives

Manufacturer agents and representatives work independently or are associated with a firm or company.


Manufacturer agents and representatives are also called sales agent or an independent sales representative. Their job is to promote and sell the manufacturer's products to the retail customers as well as the wholesalers. When the manufacturers hire these agents and representatives, they are required to work in a defined territory and meet certain targets. These products can be anything under the sun and from different manufacturers.


Commissions Paid by Manufacturers to the Agents and Representatives 


The agents and representatives take direct orders for their manufacturer’s products and on these they earn a commission from the manufacturer. The commission rate for the agents and representatives will vary with different manufacturers. It will depend on the market and the product kind too. Generally speaking, the manufacturers offer 5% to 10% commission to their agents and representatives.


Why Manufacturers Need Agents and Representatives


The manufacturers use these sales agents and representatives to promote and sell their products as one part their overall marketing and sales strategy. A manufacturer’s agents can be brought in when there is lack of a sales force and the need to create awareness of the product. They can also be brought in a specific times of year when a manufacturer needs to bolster their sales team or they know extra sales will be need to balance the company budget.


Benefits of Using Agents and Representatives for Manufacturers


A manufacturer’s agents and representatives naturally represent many benefits. They have fast access to the market and clients, as well as carry a sound knowledge of local markets. As these agents and representatives work at fixed costs or by commission the return on investment for a manufacturer can by easy judged.


Locating Manufacturers Agents and Representatives


A simple search through an online directory will provide you with a list of sales agents and representatives within your area.


Alternatively you can visit national and regional trade shows to meet manufacturer agents and representatives.

In a nutshell, we find that agents and representatives play a very important role to boost the sales and promotion of the manufacturer’s products and services. Different manufacturers are primarily dependent on their agents and representatives in order to be successful.